Recent News
Planning Commission Special Meeting
A special meeting of the planning commission will be held at 7pm Thursday March 27th for the purpose of yearly re-organization and reviewing the solar ordinance.
Township Seal Coat and Fog Seal Bid Package Available
The Kiskiminetas Township Board of Supervisors are accepting a sealed bids until Monday April 7, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. Bids will be opened at approximately 11:15 am on Monday April 7, 2025 with an expected award at the April 9, 2025 Board of Supervisors meeting at 7 pm. A copy of the bid tabulations will be posted shortly after opening online. Bid package is available here.
Township Spring CleanUp Day May 2 & May 3 2025
The Township will have dumpsters for RESIDENTS ONLY at the Public Works Building parking lot, 930 Brownstown Road, Apollo, PA 15613. Friday 8-4 pm and Saturday 8-Noon. One pickup truck load accepted (not multiple trips) and electronics are being accepted. Tires must be off rim and small tires are $4 and large tires are $6. No appliances with freon accepted or hazardous chemicals.
James Cibik Appointed Township Supervisor
Supervisors unanimously appointed Jim Cibik to fulfill the vacant Township Supervisor seat at the February 5, 2025 meeting. Jim fills the unexpired term left vacant by fmr Supervisor Kendall. The term will run through December 31, 2025.
Fire Hall Warming Center Location Announced
The Fire Hall has been confirmed as the emergency shelter for residents who may experience a loss of heat to their home. Those in need may call 724-388-0500 for assistance.
public meeting to discuss the Act 537 Plan for sewer planning on Thursday,
February 20, 2025 at 7 pm at the Kiskiminetas Fire Hall, 1037 State Route
56, Apollo PA 15613. The plan documents are located here Act 537 Plan, Environmental Report, Public Needs Report. Printed copies are available for viewing at the Township Office as well. The public comment period will be open for 45 days from the date of the advertisement
and comments regarding the plan must be received in writing to the Township
As a result of the appointment of Mr. Cibik to the Board of Supervisors and his subsequent resignation, there is currently a vacancy on the Zoning Hearing Board. Those interested in serving on on this very important Board should submit their letters of interest to Interim Township Manager, Jason Dailey at Letters will be accepted until 12:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2025, with interviews held thereafter. The term of the vacant seat is from appointment until December 31, 2025.
Kiskiminetas Township is accepting letters of interest for Secretary/Treasurer or Township Manager position. Please submit letters of interest to 1222a Old State Road, Apollo, PA 15613, or Letters of interest will be accepted until filled.
The Armstrong County Department of Planning and Development on behalf of Kiskiminetas Township is seeking homes for participation in an income based, state and federally funded housing rehab program. You must be the owner-occupant of a single family home. To become a participant, please contact Armstrong County Department of Planning and Development, 402 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201 at 724-548-3223 between the hours of 8:00 am – 4:30 pm or email
The Kiskiminetas Township Board of Supervisors is accepting applications for a Zoning Officer.
Essential Duties
- Perform review of zoning permit applications.
- Perform inspections to ensure compliance with regulations governing zoning.
- Issue zoning permits.
- Prepare reports and maintain records of inspections.
- Issue non-compliance notices and perform follow-up code enforcement inspections.
- Confer with and assist property and landowners, architects, and builders with zoning.
- Respond to complaints from municipal officials, residents, and stakeholders regarding municipal codes and/or ordinances.
- Receive and process applications for zoning permits, applications for variances and other zoning related information.
- Attend municipal meetings and Zoning Hearing Board meetings.
- Provide courteous, high-quality service to members of the public by personally responding to requests for service or making appropriate referrals.
- Previous experience, preferably 2-5 years, with zoning administration.
- Ability to work with minimal supervision.
- Ability to make tough decisions in the best interest of safety.
- Ability to work with people, particularly the ability to deliver bad news to difficult people in a non-agitating manner.
- Valid Pennsylvania driver’s license with acceptable driving record for the past three years.
Strong emphasis is placed on the ability to effectively communicate technical information, orally and in writing, in a professional manner to contractors, developers, property owners, employees, consultants, other governmental agency representatives, municipal officials and the public. The position offers a desirable mix of office and fieldwork opportunities.
Wages will be determined by experience.
The deadline for applications is February 3, 2025.
Please mail resume/work history to 1222A Old State Road, Apollo, PA 15613 Attn: Township Secretary or email to
The Kiskiminetas Board of Supervisors is looking for a Uniform Construction Code (UCC) appeals Board Member:
A member of the Municipal Appeals Board shall be qualified by training and experience to pass on matters pertaining to building construction. Training and experience may consist of licensure as an architect or engineer, experience in the construction industry, and training and experience as an inspector or plan reviewer. No member or alternate member may be recommended by a participating municipality to the QVCOG Municipal Appeals Board unless the member or alternate member possesses a minimum of five (5) years combination of education and experience in the building trades.
Please note there is no compensation for this position, as stated in the UCC’s bylaws.
Work Session Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:oo p.m. Our Regular Business Meeting will be on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Any Special meetings will be advertised.
It is the policy of this Township to deny RTKL requests by FIOA Buddy, as stipulated in the Addendum for Township resolution 05-2023, enacted at the 09/11/2024 Regular Meeting. It was deemed by the PA. OOR Office that these requests are anonymous and therefore the Township is not required to respond to such requests.
The dumpster located at the Municipal building is for Township and Police Dept. Use ONLY; No Public use allowed
PLEASE do Not send your sewage payments to the Township Municipal Building- payments are to be sent to the Kiski Valley Water Pollution Authority at :
1361 School Road, Leechburg, PA 15656
Effective immediately, there will be no burning of any product whatsoever on municipal property.
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
8:00am - 4:00pm
Contact Us
Municipal Building
1222A Old State Road
Apollo, PA 15613
Additional Information
- Emergency - Dial: 911
- Police Department: (724) 478-3357
- Fire Department: (724) 478-4210
- Maintenance Shed: (724) 478-2747
- Road Department & Maintenance Shed Located at:
930 Brownstown Road
Apollo, PA 15613
School District
Scheduled Meetings & Events
Board of Supervisors
Agenda Meetings
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm in the township municipal building.
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meetings
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm in the township municipal building.
Planning Commission Meetings
Meetings are held as needed.
Roaring Run
The Kiskiminetas River forms our southern border. Thanks to the decades of hard work by the Roaring Run Water Shed Association, there are many miles of scenic trails for walking, hiking, running, biking, and mountain biking. A boat ramp provides access to the river for canoeing, kayaking, row boating and fishing.